By Tunji Olalere
Title: Class, Ethnicity and Democracy in Nigeria: The Failure of the First Republic
Author: Larry Diamond
Publisher: Nigeria Next Quarter
Number of pages: 376
Year of publication: 2015
Category: Politics
‘If all moral and material advantages depend on those who...
By Tunji Olalere
Title: Boy, Interrupted
Author: Saah Millimono
Publisher: Kwani Trust
Number of pages: 150
Year of publication: 2014
Category: Fiction
‘SBU da Small Boy Unit, the albino said. Today we na bring dem wif us. You say yor son da twelve year ol, but wait until...
By Tunji Olalere
Title: Sorrow’s Joy
Author: Ogochukwu Promise
Publisher: Bookcraft Ltd
Number of pages: 387
Year of publication: 2015
Category: Fiction
‘The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars
But in ourselves,...
By Tunji Olalere
Title: For Broken Men Who Cross Often
Author: Efe Paul Azino
Publisher: Kachifo Limited
Number of pages: 70
Year of publication: 2015
Category: Poetry
‘This is for broken men who cross often,
fallen soldiers born on...
By Tunji Olalere
Title: Through My African Eyes
Author: Jeff Koinange
Publisher: Footprint Press
Number of pages: 258
Year of publication: 2014
Category: Autobiography
By Tunji Olalere
Title: Growing Up with Tanzania: Memories, Musings and Maths
Author: Karim F Hirji
Publisher: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers Ltd
Number of...