By Tinuke Adeyi
Title: Terra Incognita: New Short Speculative Stories from Africa
Editor: Nerine Dorman
Publisher: Short Story Day Africa
Number of pages: 278
Year of publication: 2015
Category: Fiction
By Ofuonyeadi Chukwudumebi Mercy
Title: Collective Amnesia
Author: Koleka Putuma
Publisher: uHlanga Press
Number of pages: 111
Year of publication: 2017
Category: Poetry
Koleka Putuma’s debut poetry collection, Collective Amnesia, is a collection of fifty-one poems divided into three...
By Ayodele Ibiyemi
Title: Liminal
Author: Douglas Reid Skinner
Publisher: uHlanga Press
Number of pages: 77
Year of publication: 2017
Category: Poetry
Liminal is Douglas Reid Skinner’s seventh collection of poems, and the age and experience of the poet are obvious...
By Omotola Otubela
Title: Wondering and Wandering of Hearts
Editors: Susan N Kiguli and Hilda J Twongyeirwe
Publisher: FEMRITE Publications Limited
Number of pages: 255
Year of publication: 2017
Category: Poetry
‘he happiest aspect of this anthology for...
By Tade Ipadeola
Title: Writing Namibia: Literature in Transition
Editors: Sarala Krishnamurthy and Helen Vale
Publisher: University of Namibia Press
Number of pages: 379
Year of publication: 2018
Category: Essays
Namibia hosts pristine terrain, geologists and biologists tell us, holding vital clues from the...
By Nureni Ibrahim
Title: Can Anything Good Come Out of History?
Author: Obaro Ikime
Publisher: Bookcraft Ltd
Number of pages: 321
Year of publication: 2018
Category: Essays
Obaro Ikime, historian and retired professor of the University of Ibadan, hopes to fill...
By Ofuonyeadi Chukwudumebi Mercy
Title: Things I Will Tell My Daughter: Uncensored Truths on Love, Money and Womanhood
Author: Joan Thatiah
Number of pages: 180
Year of publication: 2016
Category: Essays
Joan Thatiah’s Things I Will Tell My Daughter,...
By Tolulope Odebunmi
Title: Tales of Mother
Author: Dupe Kuku
Publisher: Coal Media
Number of pages: 124
Year of publication: 2018
Category: Memoirs (Short Stories)
In this collection of stories and reminiscences, Ms Kuku immortalises her mother, Mrs...
By Seye Bassir
Title: How to Win Elections in Africa
Author: Chude Jideonwo with Adebola Williams
Publisher: Kamsi Farafina
Number of pages: 280
Year of publication: 2017
Category: Politics
How does one win elections in Africa? A humorous answer to this question...
By Tade Ipadeola
Title: Animist Chants and Memorials
Author: Harry Garuba
Publisher: Kraft Books Ltd
Number of pages: 79
Year of publication: 2018
Category: Poetry
‘Can we ever again shred the drapery of the word
and return to the fullness of the spell and the...
By Vuyo Mzini
Title: I Want to See the Sun Rise
Author: Sam Shakong
Publisher: Xarra Books Ltd
Number of pages: 208
Year of publication: 2019
Category: Autobiography
Fatherhood is tenuous. At the worst of times, a level of substantiating proof is required...
By Seye Bassir
Title: How to Win Elections in Africa
Author: Chude Jideonwo with Adebola Williams
Publisher: Kamsi Farafina
Number of pages: 280
Year of publication: 2017
Category: Politics
How does one win elections in Africa? A humorous answer to this question...
By Tomiwa Ilori
Title: Regarding Muslims: From Slavery to Post-Apartheid
Author: Gabeba Baderoon
Publisher: Wits University Press
Number of pages: 207
Year of publication: 2014
Category: History
The book Regarding Muslims seeks, as its fundamental objective, to theorise the history of Muslims in Cape...