Wednesday, March 5, 2025


By Veronica Elias Ugian Title: Flame and Song Author: Phillipa Namutebi Kabali-Kagwa Publisher: Modjaji Books Number of pages: 189 Year of publication: 2016 Category: Memoir ‘To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order;...
By Tolulope Odebunmi Title: Tales of Mother Author: Dupe Kuku Publisher: Coal Media Number of pages: 124 Year of publication: 2018 Category: Memoirs (Short Stories) In this collection of stories and reminiscences, Ms Kuku immortalises her mother, Mrs...

Overcoming Tribulations in Bukky Agboola’s I Made It Through

By Timi Odueso Title: I Made It Through Author: Bukky Agboola Publisher: Winepress Publishing Number of pages: 148 Year of publication: 2016 Category: Memoir ‘We are afflicted in...

In Memory of a Coloured Crime

By Tolu Akinwole Title: Born a Crime and Other Stories Author: Trevor Noah Publisher: Pan Macmillan South Africa Number of pages: 342 Year of publication: 2016 Category:...

When to Write about Yourself

By Agbonmire Ifeh Title: To Quote Myself Author: Khaya Dlanga Publisher: Pan Macmillan South Africa Number of pages: 208 Year of publication: 2015 Category: Memoir Khaya Dlanga is neither a persecuted writer nor is he...

Igbobi Boy: The Crisis of Education in Nigeria

By Emeka Ugwu Title: Igbobi Boy Author: Adebayo Lamikanra Publisher: Amkra Books Number of pages: 307 Year of publication: 2014 Category: Memoir ‘he ‘default setting’ of nine out of ten is primordial, no doubt. But...

This Is How History Is Fortified

By Jumoke Verissimo Title: With My Head above the Parapet: An Insider Account of the ANC in Power Author: Ben Turok Publisher: Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Number of pages: 214 Year...

Good Morning or Good Night?: A Review of Zelda la Grange’s Good Morning, Mr Mandela

By Agatha Aduro Title: Good Morning, Mr Mandela Author: Zelda la Grange Publisher: Viking Penguin Number of pages: 368 Year of publication: 2014 Category:...

The Wretched of the Cameroons

By Dami Ajayi Title: Day and Night in Limbo Author: Jean Tardif Lonkog Number of pages: 108 Title: In Chains For My Country: Crusading for the British Southern...

Counting an Amputee’s Nine Fingers

By Tomiwa Ilori Title: The House My Father Built Author: Adewale Maja-Pearce Publisher: Kachifo Limited Number of pages: 175 Year of publication: 2014 Category:...

Taxi Wars: Is It Anybody’s Business Whose Violent Stakeout It Is?

By Emeka Ugwu Title: Nobody’s Business Author: Thabo Jijana Publisher: Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Number of pages: 180 Year of publication: 2014 Category: Faction ‘The tragedy is not that things are broken....

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